このホテルの場所は in San Antonio's bay, わずか 100 メートル from Xinxo ビーチ. アパートメントは、20 分(車で) by walk on the Paseo Maritimo to 市内中心部 as well as near many sports and amusing offers.
エアコン完備のベッドルーム at the Sol Post are well-maintained and come with a host of in-room amenities.
ホテル内のレストランは rich international ビュッフェ in generous variety and the スナック・バー serves food, ドリンク and ice-creams.
Twenty-four hours reception services with facilities such as 外貨両替, safe as well as cars and motorcycles for rent are available などのサービスも提供しています。 プール area with two big スイミングプールs for adults, サンルーム and sun beds and a children's shallow pool are provided at the Sol Post.