The Stil Horitzo ホテルは、separated from the finest white sand and the crystal-clear water by the newly built pedestrian walk. またホテルは easily accessible from Palma's airport and is close to the popular tourist destination, Albufera's Natural Park.
ホテルには finest accommodation with 部屋 that live up to high standards of quality and style. 大部分の客室は delightful views of the wonderful sea.
Savour international and 地中海料理 at the on-site レストラン. You can also pleasantly pass your time at the スナック・バー that is beautifully situated near ビーチ.
A few メートル away from ホテル, you will conveniently find banking services, レストラン, discotheques, music bars, パブ, shopping facilities and lots more to keep you happily entertained.