このホテルの場所は、the foot of the Tramuntana マウンテン, Read's ホテルの場所は、on the edges of Santa Maria, a small town between to パルマ and Inca. 20 分 from 空港 and パルマ, このホテルは surrounded by 20,000 平方メートル of landscaped gardens including its own vineyard.
ホテル proudly boasts 23室の便利な客室, all of which are individually styled and furnished to the very highest standards. Guests can enjoy views of the マウンテン, gardens and the surrounding カントリーサイド from their rooms.
The 美しい装飾 レストラン serves アラカルト menu and completes a ユニーク dining experience. The conservatory バー は、理想的な場所 for a drink at anytime of day for teas and coffees or to try one of the カクテル.