Arcea ホテル Las Brisas is situated at わずか 100 メートル from the N 634, which is the main road to reach any point in アストゥリアス, from the area of Ribadedeva to the Picos de Europa to カンガス・デ・オニス, Ribadesella or ヒホン.
このホテルは 62 well furnished and 広々とした客室 in a tranquil environment, featuring a number of facilities that provides you with all the comforts.
You can select from a variety of delicious cuisine, both from アラカルト as well as Austrian dishes, served with authentic luxury in an agreeable environment. At evenings, あなたは楽しめます an outdoor カクテル on the terrace or beside the pool.
このホテルは、state-of-art function rooms with appropriate ambience and technology, making it an ideal setting for your business as well as social events. There are many outdoor activities available close to ホテル such as canoe, hiking, ゴルフ and paint ball.