Casa de los Migueletes ホテル グラナダ, a beautiful and quiet oasis in the Moorish Albayzin, is このホテルの場所は グラナダ中心部. ホテルは、within 歩いて行ける距離 to historic monuments such as the Alhambra, グラナダ's 大聖堂 and the Royal Chapel. The building is a 17世紀 マンション with アンダルシアn patios and galleries, and is completely equipped with all modern facilities.
Due to the design of the house, all the 25 室は different in size, layout, and orientation. 幾つかの客室 face the interior courtyard, while others have views of the Alhambra and the surrounding neighbourhood.
There is no レストラン at this time.
The patio is a place for relaxation for the guests and the wine cellar a perfect place to meet and have a glass of wine.