ホテルの立地は at Ciudad de la Imagen, このホテルは、わずか 10 分(車で) from マドリード中心部 and 25 分 from 空港.
Guests are provided with the comfort of 112 tastefully decorated 部屋 that are well equipped with a host of modern amenities. Specially adapted rooms for the guests with disabilities are also available.
Guests can start off their day with 美味しい朝食, served at ホテル. The onsite panoramic レストランでは creative cuisine, while the in-house cafe-bar is a perfect place to meet up and enjoy a fine drink.
The I ホテル マドリード offers 9 bright halls with natural light and different capacities in order to adapt to any type of function. ホテル滞在の間、you can インターネット接続 or enjoy playing tennis. またホテルは 充分な駐車場 available in the premises.