Gran ホテル & スパ Marmolejo is このホテルの場所は ハエン & Province and offers 快適な設備 and a スパ for ウェルネス and relaxation. The Great ホテルは、constructed with a haughty classic design surrounded with landscaped zones and club of hunt, while providing 静寂 environment of comfort.
ホテルは、54 エアコン完備の部屋 equipped with direct telephone and television, where guest are able to rest placidly.
館内のレストランで食事をすることが出来ます。that serves a wide range of traditional dishes along with a list of national and international cuisine.
The spacious lounges, dining facility, friendly service and a number of other conveniences, make Gran ホテル & スパ Marmolejo the perfect place to stay at.