ベストウェスタン ホテル フロリダ ホテル サン・ロレンツォ・デル・エスコリアル is このホテルの場所は front of the historical Monastery, considered the eighth marvel that was founded by King Felipe II. このホテルは、endowed with a wide variety of services and is decorated in the typical style of the area. The Galeria Floridablanca, Colised Carlos III, ゴルフ Field La Herreria, R.C.U. Ma Cristina and Parque De Terreros Park are some of the local attractions that are within ウォーキング distance.
ホテルでは 50 air-conditioning 部屋 that are complete with bathrooms, piped music, satellite television and some have a view of the monastery.
ホテル内のレストランでは wide variety of international delicacies. The onsite cafe is a cosy place, which serves some of the finest Spanish dishes.
このホテル also features 会議室、最大収容人員 500名 for various events.