Samba ホテルの場所は、リョレト・デ・マル, on the コスタ・ブラバ, in a peaceful, central area that enables you to enjoy ビーチ and レジャー and ショッピング・エリア, without having to forgo リラクゼーション and wellbeing. It は、理想的な場所 in which to spend your holidays.
The 広々した ホテル has エアコン and heating, and has 420 double 客室 with balconies, offering wonderful views of the surroundings.
Dining options of ホテル include 2 レストラン and several バー.
The Samba boasts different conference and レセプション ルーム for hosting functions and meetings. Furthermore, recreational options include numerous games, pools, garden, ラウンジ, disco, karaoke and much more.