ホテルの場所は、in トッサ・デ・マル, the San Eloy Apartホテルは、わずか 14 キロメートル from Tossa and is 理想的な場所 to explore ジローナ.
このホテルは、130 居心地の良い部屋 for discerning travellers and includes everything you require for 静寂 relaxing, when you return from an exhausting city tour.
ホテル内のレストラン set in a delightful environment serves a variety of delicacies for your dining pleasure. Guest can also enjoy a variety of cocktails complemented with バー 軽食 in the outdoor terrace of バー and make their stay an unforgettable holiday.
ラウンジは pleasant place to stay and relax after an enervating day and also a calm area to work on your laptop. レジャー施設としては、卓球 and swimming for your relaxation.