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ホテル名:Relais du Silence Peruskenea Hotel Beruete ( 3つ星)
都市 ナヴァーラ
エリア Beruete (Basaburua Mayor) / ベルエーテ(Basaburua Mayor)
案内 Relais du Silence Peruskenea Hotel Beruete Situated in the city of Navarra, the Peruskenea Hotel is close to the Beruete Forest. During leisure, you can explore the city and its surrounding areas. The hotel offers 9 well-decorated guestrooms, all of which are comfortable and equipped with modern amenities. You can feast at the Guiomar gazing over the lush greenery or dine at the Zezengorri that serves a variety of delicacies along with fine wine. The hotel also provides conference facilities, accommodating up to 25 delegates.
客室設備 専用のバスルーム/エンスイート
ホテル設備 会議設備
住所 Diseminado s/n - 31866 Beruete - Jauntsarats Navarra

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