Partner プラヤ・デル・イングレス ホテルは、このホテルの場所は main centre of the tourist locality of サン・バルトロメ of Tirajana, hardly メートル away from ビーチ. A great place to enjoy the summer, and the natural environment of spectacular beauty, this is where you can practice all nautical sports, as well as go for long walks.
ホテル puts at the disposal of guests, 213 comfortable guest rooms, all with a full kitchen, complete bath and other standard facilities.
In the culinary section, ホテル counts on a magnificent レストラン ビュッフェ that combines specialties of the Canaries with the best international fare. またホテルには an inviting poolside バー perfect for enjoying any appetizer.
Besides this, レクレーションのために、 ホテルは、2 pools for adults and another for children.